Commercial Bridging Loans
Our Bridging Loan Service
Special features of what we offer include:
Bridging Loans from £50,000 to £25 million
Term - From 1 to 36 months
Bridging loans for individuals, limited companies, sole traders and partnerships
Interest roll up schemes
Whole of market service - we work directly with UK bridging lenders
Lowest Rates - Access to leading bridging loan deals
Fast turnaround - speak to us today if you need to move quickly. 5 to 7 days possible.
Investing in commercial property may be an appealing prospect. However, the right finance has to be in place in order to fully take advantage of an attractive opportunity.
Typically, accessing finance to facilitate a commercial property transactin from traditional lenders may be to be difficult. The majority of high street lenders may require a large deposit and a rigorous stress test before providing a loan.
Some individuals may not have the time or resources to successfully apply to a traditional lender for commercial property finance.
Fortunately, it may be possible to access a substantial amount of money in a small amount of time through commercial bridging loans.
A commercial bridging loan is a type of fast, short term finance that is an increasingly popular tool for those looking to invest in commercial property.
Commercial bridging loans may provide:
Fast, short term finance when time is of the essence
Finance from £50,000 to £25m
Flexible terms of finance to suit your needs
Bridging Loan Calculator
See how much you could secure with our bridging loan calculator.

Commercial bridging loans may be used for a variety of different circumstances including:
Purchase of a commercial property
Development of a commercial property such as a pub, restaurant, shop, office and more.
Where 60% or more of the property is used for business purposes.
Commercial bridging loan lenders create an exit plan for every loan. An exit plan is an agreement between the lender and the borrower that outlines how the loan will be repaid. The sale of a property is an example of an exit strategy.
Generally, lenders that provide commercial bridging loans do not deal with the general public or businesses. The majority of lenders deal exclusively through specialist finance brokers. If you need a bridging loan for a commercial purpose, it is advisable to contact a broker at your earliest convenience.
Next Steps…
If you are unsure about what bridging loan is suitable for you call us on 0117 313 6058 or complete our request callback form.